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Roof Repair Experts

Commercial Roofing

Residential New Roofs

Roofing Projects

Request Your Free Roofing Consultation
Roof Repair
Residential Roofing
Commercial Roofing

Master Craftsman

Paul Bange founded Paul Bange Roofing, Inc. over 30 years ago. He has a passion for building and a vision shaped by the belief that everyone deserves to live and work in the safest structure possible. Paul recognized that a solid, sound roof is critical to a structure’s integrity, so he and his family set out to provide the highest quality workmanship in the roofing business today. Paul still proudly applies those same principles three decades and thousands of roofing repair and replacement later. Additionally, to further expand on Paul’s vision, Paul Bange Roofing owns and operates all of their own equipment.

The Top View of Residential after Roofing Service in South Florida

Roofing Services Provided by Paul Bange Roofing

Businesses and homeowners trust our skills thanks to our thorough experience and knowledge in the industry. Our staff’s high-quality workmanship brings to each job site is unparalleled, and our customer service skills go unrivaled by our competitors. Our customers also rely on us because they know we own and operate our own equipment. Since we don’t have to rely on rentals, we can quickly begin and finish your project no matter the need. Our roofing analysis team will help detect any early signs of leaks to prevent a small issue from becoming full-blown roofing replacements.

The Top View Apartment After Roofing at Broward County, FL

Lifetime Guarantee on All Roofing Services

From small warehouses to large estate homes, we handle it all at Paul Bange Roofing. For over three decades, we have been providing residents and business owners with stellar roofing services to protect employees and families. Each of our projects comes with 100% customer satisfaction guaranteed, and all new roof installations are able to receive a lifetime guarantee if you are a member of our Overhead Care Club. This will help you feel more confident hiring us. Our goal is to be the first and last company to call when your home or business needs help protecting those inside your building.

Logo of the Overhead Care Club

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The Best Warranty

From the most modest of homes to the largest estate roofs, from high rise condominiums to small warehouses, no roof or repair is to big or small.

Save $150 Online Special

Get $150 OFF any new roof. Just mention you found us on the internet to receive the discount. Estimates within 24 hours.

Outstanding Service

See what customers are saying about Paul Bange Roofing's staff and friendly customer service below.

Paul Bange Roofing

Call Us
Broward: 954-981-7663
Dade: 305-981-7663
Palm Beach: 561-981-7663
Fax: 954-964-7663

Visit Us
7000 SW 21st Place
Davie, FL 33317

Email Us
[email protected]

7000 SW 21st Pl, Davie, FL 33317, USA