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FLEX SEAL™ is a popular brand of liquid rubber used in various repair applications, including fixing leaks. When it comes to roof leaks, FLEX SEAL can be an option, but its effectiveness and suitability depend on the type of leak, the location of the leak, and the material of the roof. To help you understand, here’s an overview of using liquid rubber products on roof leaks.

FLEX SEAL Overview

FLEX SEAL is a rubberized coating that is sprayable, offering a convenient way to seal cracks and holes. It’s known for its flexibility, durability, and water-resistant properties, making it an attractive option for sealing leaks, including some roof repairs.

Types of Leak Suitable for FLEX SEAL

This product is most effective for small cracks and holes, particularly in areas that are not under constant pressure or load. For minor leaks, such as those around vent pipes or small cracks in flat or sloped roofing materials, FLEX SEAL might be a suitable solution.

Application Process

Applying FLEX SEAL to a roof leak is generally a straightforward process:

  1. Clean the Area – Remove any debris, dirt, or rust around the leak.
  2. Dry the Surface – It adheres best to dry surfaces.
  3. Spray or Brush-On – Depending on the form of the product you’re using, spray or brush it onto the leak, covering it entirely.
  4. Multiple Coats – Several thin coats may be necessary for more complete coverage.
  5. Curing Time – Allow it to cure as per the instructions on the packaging.

Limitations and Considerations

While FLEX SEAL can be a convenient option for minor leaks, it’s essential to consider its limitations:

  • Not for Major Repairs – Large cracks, structural damage, or substantial leaks will likely require professional repair.
  • Material Compatibility – Check the product’s compatibility with your specific roofing material, as it might not adhere well to all surfaces.
  • Weather Conditions – Extreme weather conditions might impact the longevity of FLEX SEAL applications.
  • Temporary Solution – FLEX SEAL must be viewed as a temporary fix, particularly if underlying structural issues are causing the leak.


FLEX SEAL can be used on roof leaks, particularly for small cracks or holes that need immediate attention. While it offers a quick and relatively inexpensive solution, it should not be considered a permanent fix for all types of roofs. Thoroughly assessing the nature of the leak, considering the material of the roof, and possibly consulting with a roofing professional are essential steps to determine whether FLEX SEAL is the right solution for your specific situation.

If you have any questions or concerns about your roof, reach out to the experts here at Paul Bange Roofing, Inc. For over 30 years, we have served residents and business owners alike with quality roofing, affordable prices, and outstanding customer service. The level of high-quality workmanship we bring to each job site is unparalleled, and all our work comes with a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee. In addition, your roofing job will be backed by a lifetime warranty via membership in our Overhead Care Club.

Whether you need a roof for your small warehouse or large estate home, you can trust us to handle the job with careful precision. We show up on time, fulfill any promises made, and we work hard to make sure that everything is done right the first time.  If you are in need of a roofer, if you’d like to request a free estimate, or if you just want some information about our company, visit our website or give us a call at 954-981-ROOF(7663), 561-981-ROOF(7663), or 305-981-ROOF(7663).