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Exploring Commercial Roofing Types in South Florida

Whether you’re looking to upgrade your establishment or purchase a new business space, understanding roof material options is paramount. That’s where Paul Bange Roofing’s knowledge of different roofing types comes in. We’re here to empower you to make the right choice for your property by guiding you through common types of roofing materials in South Florida.

Your Commercial Roofing Partner

Protecting your commercial property from the dynamic South Florida climate is imperative. As such, understanding various roof types, materials, and styles is key. With expansive regional knowledge, our experts are here to guide you through the different types of roofing materials to uncover the options that align with your budget, durability requirements, and aesthetic preferences.

Asphalt Composite Shingles

Due to their economic value, asphalt composite shingles are a long-standing staple of commercial and residential properties. These roof materials boast a fiberglass base, a mixture of asphalt and cellulose or mineral granules, and a coating of asphalt. They are lightweight and easy to maneuver, facilitating installation, repair, and replacement needs.

Asphalt Shingles Benefits

Asphalt shingle roof materials are incredibly common and with good reason. The advantages of this traditional and reliable roof material include:

  • Classic, yet versatile with various styles and colors
  • Prompt and simple installation, repairs, and replacements
  • Budget-friendly and cost-effective
  • Up to 20-year lifespan
  • Reliable UV ray, rain, and wind protection when properly maintained

Copper, Steel, or Aluminum Metal Roofs

For those seeking durability without compromising on aesthetic value, a commercial metal roofing system is an excellent choice. Metal roofs can be fabricated using an array of premium metals, such as aluminum, copper, and steel. They are highly customizable, with various colors, styles, and finishes to choose from.

Benefits of Metal Roof Materials

Metal roofs are not the most affordable commercial roofing option in terms of the initial investment. However, their longevity and durability still make them a cost-effective choice in the long run. Benefits of metal roofing include:

  • Extended strength and durability
  • Resistant to hurricanes and extreme weather
  • Style versatility
  • 50 years of performance with proper installation and maintenance

Terracotta or Concrete Tile Roofs

Embrace elegance and sophistication while maximizing the form and function of your commercial property with a tile roof. Terracotta or concrete tile can be used to create tile roofs. These roofing systems are designed to be flexible and boast enhanced durability. They are weather—and fire-resistant, with inherent insect-repellent properties and energy efficiency.

Benefits of Tile Roof Materials

Terracotta and concrete tile roofs are an excellent addition for those looking for a harmonious blend of performance, style, and longevity. The benefits include:

  • Lasts up to 50 years with proper installation and maintenance
  • Versatile design options and colors
  • Heavy-weight material, making it resistant to hurricane weather and high winds
  • Fire-proof
  • Natural insect-repellent properties

Built-Up Membrane Roofs

Built-up membrane roofs are a time-honored innovation that brings unparalleled value to commercial flat or low-pitched roofs. These roofing systems are installed using multiple layers of roofing felt combined with hot asphalt. This process creates a two-four-layer barrier sealed with a mixture of tar and crushed stone to unveil an impenetrable, long-lasting roofing system.

Benefits of Built-Up Membrane Roofing

Built-up membrane roofing is affordable and adaptable. It can be made using various durable felt roof materials, including EPDM, PVC, TPO, and modified bitumen. For amplified energy efficiency, reflective coating applications can also be added to these roofs. With proper installation, these roofs last up to 30 years.

Thermoplastic Olefin (TPO) Roofs

For modern innovation, consider thermoplastic olefin, also known as a TPO roof. TPO roof materials can be used to achieve a low-pitch or flat roof for commercial properties of virtually any size. These roofs have innate cooling abilities and heat-weldable seams to ensure water and moisture protection.


Benefits of Thermoplastic Olefin Roofs

Thermoplastic olefin roofs have grown exponentially among commercial property owners in South Florida. This advanced roof material boasts a wealth of unrivaled benefits, including:

  • Maximized waterproofing with a heat-weldable seam
  • UV-ray and heat reflective for natural cooling and temperature regulation
  • Optimized energy efficiency for reduced cooling costs
  • Eco-friendly roof material
  • Long-lasting and durable

Discover the Right Roofing Material Types for Your Property

Exploring the many different types of roofing materials can be overwhelming. Fortunately, you don’t have to navigate this decision alone. Look to Paul Bange Roofing for expert guidance and the gold standard of commercial roofing installation in South Florida. Contact our friendly team today to get started.

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Broward: 954-981-7663
Dade: 305-981-7663

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7000 SW 21st Place
Davie, FL 33317

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