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A Full Suite of Residential Roofing Services

When you think of your home, you might picture the living room, kitchen, or even the front yard. Most of us don’t immediately think of the roof. However, this is one of the most critical components of your South Florida home. Neglecting roof maintenance or opting for subpar roofing services can lead to serious issues. Things like leaks, mold, and structural damage can cause huge problems. A well-maintained roof, on the other hand, can increase your property’s value and longevity. At Paul Bange Roofing, our residential roofing experts are committed to bringing you the gold standard in repairs, replacements, and more. Explore our residential roofing services and get in touch for more information.

What Paul Bange Roofing Has to Offer

While some residential roofing companies only offer repairs and maintenance, our team does it all. We’re your one-stop shop for all your roofing needs and can handle all the following jobs:

Roof Repairs

Whether you’re dealing with a major leak or a minor cosmetic issue, trust us for roof repairs. Our team has seen it all, and we’ll be able to get your roof back in top shape. Ask about fixes for these types of residential roof repair:

  • Leaks and Water Damage—Leaks are often caused by damaged shingles or flashings. Regular inspections can catch early signs of leaks, such as water stains on ceilings. Don’t ignore the signs of water damage! It can wreak havoc on your roof’s structure.
  • Pooled Water—Flat commercial roofs are especially prone to water pooling, which can lead to leaks and structural damage. Proper drainage systems can mitigate this issue.
  • Punctures and Holes—Florida is no stranger to strong storms, and debris and falling branches can puncture your roof. Immediate repairs are necessary to prevent leaks and further damage.
  • Loose Shingles—Roofs will naturally wear down over time, and many lose shingles to strong winds. We’ll attach and seal new shingles to restore your roof.


Residential roof replacement, or re-roofing, is another of our specialties. If traditional repairs aren’t enough to get your roof back in top shape, we’ll recommend complete re-roofing. Our team works with the best quality materials on the market and can help you choose from the following options:

  • Asphalt Shingles—One of the most popular choices, asphalt shingles are cost-effective and easy to install. They come in various colors and styles, making them versatile for different home designs. However, they have a shorter lifespan compared to other materials.
  • Metal Roofing—Metal roofs aren’t just for commercial buildings anymore! These roofs are durable and can last up to 50 years. They’re resistant to extreme weather conditions and boast excellent energy efficiency.
  • Tile Roofing—Tile roofing is ideal for those who prioritize beauty and durability. They’re more resistant to climate factors than typical roofing materials. However, their weight means they aren’t feasible for every home’s structure.
Residential Roofing Services

Roof Inspections

Roof inspections are another example of our quality residential roofing solutions. Conducted by experienced professionals, these inspections assess the condition of your roof and identify signs of damage before they escalate into costly repairs. Routine inspections are recommended at least once a year, especially after severe weather events, to ensure your roof can withstand environmental challenges. Investing in regular roof inspections not only prolongs the life of your roof but can also enhance its efficiency. Ultimately, they can save you money on energy bills and enhance the value of your home.

Residential Roofing Services 2

Gutters and Drainage Systems

Professional residential roofing services should go beyond just the roof itself. Gutters and drainage systems also play a critical role in protecting your home from water damage. Properly installed gutters prevent water from accumulating around your home and protect against erosion and structural damage. If you’ve noticed any telltale signs of gutter damage, like visible rust or water leakage, get in touch with our experienced team.

Skylight Installation and Repair

Skylights are an excellent addition to any home, bringing natural light and enhancing the aesthetic appeal of your living space. Installing skylights can create a more inviting environment while providing energy efficiency benefits. The team at Paul Bange Roofing can carefully assess your roof and recommend the right type of skylight for your needs. After installation, you can count on us for ongoing maintenance.

Choose Us for Regular Maintenance

Our services don’t end with residential roofing installation! In the months following your installation, you can still rely on Paul Bange Roofing for regular maintenance. Keeping up with maintenance can extend your roof’s lifespan and save you money on expensive repairs. Here’s why occasional maintenance visits are so important:

  • Prevents Leaks—Small cracks or loose shingles can lead to significant water damage if not addressed promptly. Regular inspections can catch these issues early and may avoid more severe problems.
  • Improves Energy Efficiency—A well-maintained roof provides better insulation, meaning your HVAC system doesn’t need to work as hard during the sweltering Florida summer. This leads to overall lower energy bills.
  • Enhances Curb Appeal—A clean, well-maintained roof boosts your home’s appearance and value. Should you decide to put your house on the market, a beautiful roof shows potential buyers that the property has been well cared for.

How Do I Know It’s Time for a Roof Replacement?

If routine maintenance is no longer keeping your roof in good shape, it may be time to consider a replacement. We understand homeowners would prefer not to re-roof their entire property. But sometimes, it’s the safest option. Talk to us about a roof replacement if you notice any of the following:

  • Signs of Aging—Most roofs last between 20 and 30 years (or longer, depending on the material). If your roof is approaching the end of its lifespan, we encourage you to consider a replacement.
  • Visible Damage—Look for signs of damage, such as missing shingles, cracked tiles, or sagging. These indicate that the roof is no longer providing adequate protection.
  • Frequent Repairs—If you find yourself constantly calling for residential roof repairs, it may be more cost-effective to invest in a new one.

Why Choose a Professional Roofing Contractor

Roof repairs and maintenance aren’t something you should DIY! While some tasks might appear easy, it’s always safer to trust a roofing contractor for homes. Opting for the professionals means these benefits:

  • Avoid Safety Concerns—Roofing involves working at heights, which can be dangerous without proper safety equipment and training. Our team uses all the proper safety measures to ensure smooth repairs.
  • Quality of Work—Professional contractors have the experience and tools to ensure a high-quality installation that will last for years.
  • Save Time and Effort—Roofing is a time-consuming job, especially if you don’t have extensive training. Hiring a professional allows you to focus on other tasks while making sure the job is done correctly.
  • Eco-Friendly Roofing Options—If you’re environmentally conscious, a reputable roofing company can help you consider sustainable materials. Some of these roofing materials are made from recycled products, so you can feel good about your environmentally friendly investment.


Schedule Affordable Residential Roofing Services

The team at Paul Bange Roofing has cultivated a reputation for trustworthy service and exceptional results. When you notice issues with your roof, don’t wait to make the call. Our friendly team is here to schedule a consultation with our contractors and ensure you get the services you need as soon as possible. Contact us today to get started.

Request a Free Roofing Consultation

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Broward: 954-981-7663
Dade: 305-981-7663

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7000 SW 21st Place
Davie, FL 33317

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