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Preventative Roofing Maintenance in South Florida

Did you know that 99% of all roof leaks occur at transitions or penetration points? These are places where the roof meets a wall or an adjacent roof, and where equipment such as air conditioning units, vents, railings, drains, and even satellite stands are secured.

All of these together make potential trouble spots all over your roof. We at Paul Bange Roofing of Lauderdale have preventive maintenance roof programs that strengthen those weak areas. As a result, we can help your roof meet and even exceed its designed life.

Here Are Just a Few of the Benefits of Our Roofing Service:

  • Preventative maintenance can be done at a fraction of the cost of re-roofing.
  • I.R.S. rules state that maintenance expenses are considered operating expenses and are therefore deductible in the year they occur. This can create a significant tax savings over the standard multi-year amortization schedule for repairs. Consult your tax professional for details.
  • The challenges posed by hurricanes in Florida have taught many business owners that a premature re-roof can be costly and easily avoided.
  • In a condominium, special assessments for a new roof can be a hardship for residents. Preventative maintenance can eliminate this challenge and keep you within a normal roofing budget.
The Top View Apartment After Roofing at Broward County, FL

Average Life of Roof Replacement vs. Restoration

When properly maintained, restoration systems can be reinstalled directly over the previous system multiple times and offer extended warranties. Compared to the average life of your current existing roof, a restoration and even a second restoration can extend the life of your roof over two times what it would’ve been without restorations. Although you may feel like it costs you more money when you’re in the process of the restorations, you’re saving money in the long-run. Paul Bange Roofing is the roofing contractor you want to use when you want professional restorations done on your property’s roof.

Note: Average life expectancy of existing roof systems taken from 1996 Survey by: Simpson, Gumpertz Herger. Restoration based on actual field data.

Roofing Professionals

Paul Bange Roofing has been in the industry for over 30 years and we have maintained a stellar reputation throughout these three decades by always providing roofing services with integrity and honesty. As a full-service roofing company, we can handle any type of job, big or small, residential or commercial. With over three decades of experience handling roofing problems of all sorts, we are the roofing professionals who can perform preventative maintenance on your roof flawlessly.

Our Other Roofing Services

Paul Bange Roofing can do a number of roofing services for your property. We do commercial roofing, corrective maintenance, re-roofing, roof analysis, sky lights, roofing systems, and roof repairs. Our skilled team is dedicated to providing you, your loved ones, and your customers with a sturdy roof that will last you for years and years. If you’re ready to have preventative maintenance or other roofing services performed, give Paul Bange Roofing a call today.


Request a Free Roofing Consultation

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Broward: 954-981-7663
Dade: 305-981-7663

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7000 SW 21st Place
Davie, FL 33317

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