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Your South Florida Re-Roofing Experts

Your roof is one of the most important aspects of your home. It protects you from the elements and provides shelter for your family. Without a strong, sturdy roof, your home is at risk for weather and environmental damage.

When you notice a leak or another problem with your roof, get in touch with Paul Bange Roofing. Our re-roofing company can identify the problem, recommend a fix, and make the most efficient use of your budget. Whether you need an inspection, repairs, or re-roofing services, our team is your best bet. Learn more about our top-notch re-roofing systems with the best warranties in the industry.

Residential Roofing Project in South Florida

What Is Re-Roofing?

Let’s start with the basics. What are re-roofing services? In short, re-roofing is the process of installing a new roof. This involves removing the existing roof materials and replacing them with new ones. We recommend re-roofing to fix significant damage, improve energy efficiency, or update your curb appeal.

Experience With All Types of Commercial Re-Roofing

We have over 30 years of experience as re-roofing contractors. Our team can install nearly any roofing material you want. Ask us about the following types of commercial and residential roofing systems:

Choosing a Color: Our Advice for Re-Roofing

You can count on our contractors for quality re-roofing solutions. Over the years, we’ve gained lots of wisdom about re-roofing. We’ve streamlined the process and know how to choose the best material. Our top advice? Choose a light color for your roof. Here’s why:

Dark Materials Absorb Heat

If you’ve worn a black t-shirt in the South Florida heat, you know darker colors tend to collect more heat. Black surfaces exposed to the sun can become up to 70°F hotter than the most reflective white surfaces!

Light Colors Promote Energy Efficiency

Dark-colored roofing materials collect heat and transfer some of that heat inside. These darker roofs also heat the air around them, contributing to the heat island effect. By choosing lighter shades, you can save money on energy bills and reduce the heat island effect.

Repair Services for Metal Roofs

The team at Paul Bange Roofing specializes in all types of residential and commercial roof repairs, especially those involving metal roofs. Beyond repairs and maintenance, we can also help you install your first metal roof. Thanks to our experts, you can afford a quality metal roof with a transferable lifetime warranty. Most roofing companies add huge markups that put a metal roof out of reach. But with us, you’ve found a roof contractor that puts you first. Our goal is to provide beautiful and affordable roofing services to South Florida residents. Here’s why you should consider a metal roof:

Re-Roofing 1

Energy Efficiency

Although metal roofing isn’t commonly seen in neighborhoods yet, you can benefit from having metal roofing installed on your home or business. For one, metal roofing tends to be more energy efficient than other materials. These roofs pay for themselves over years of reduced utility bills!

Consult With Our Roof Leak Repair Experts

Whether you’re in the market for a new roof or simply need some affordable roof repairs, trust Paul Bange Roofing. Our team has decades of experience in the industry, and we’re proud to bring South Florida residents the world-class customer service they deserve. Get in touch with us to request a consultation.


Environmental Friendliness

Sustainability is another reason more homeowners are choosing metal roofing. This material is completely recyclable. You’ll enjoy the beauty of traditional roofing products while preserving our natural resources. Other metal roofing benefits include:

  • Zero maintenance. No more dangerous, time-consuming upkeep!
  • Fewer roof leaks.
  • A long lifespan. Most homeowners never need to purchase another roof.
  • A transferrable, 20-year lifetime warranty.
  • Added value to your home or business.


Request a Free Roofing Consultation

Call Us
Broward: 954-981-7663
Dade: 305-981-7663

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Visit Us
7000 SW 21st Place
Davie, FL 33317

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