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Count on Us for Roof Repair Services in South Florida

A roof leak is more than just a nuisance. It can cause lasting damage to your home or business. Long before you notice that telltale spot on the wall, water can cause rotting, mold, and permanent damage to your building. Fortunately, Paul Bange Roofing is here to ensure roof issues don’t lead to more expensive problems. Our roofers will find the root of the damage and stop it from spreading. What’s more, our team ensures any replacement roofing materials match your existing roof. This will leave the repair undetectable! Count on South Florida’s premier roofing contractor with over 30 years of experience in the industry.

Experts in All Types of Professional Roof Repair

Nowadays, it’s good to know who you can trust and who to watch out for. When you choose Paul Bange Roofing, you can rest assured you’re working with seasoned emergency roof repair experts. We’ve built a solid reputation for top-notch work over the past few decades. Our competitive prices and exceptional customer service have earned us many repeat customers. Choose us for the following roof repair services:

Roof Leak Repair

Roof leak repair is our most requested service. Leaks occur for all kinds of reasons. Maybe a nail has lodged itself in your roof. Perhaps normal wear and tear has caused the flashing to deteriorate. Instead of replacing the entire roof, ask us if repairs will do the trick.

Loose Shingle Repair

Even if you’re careful about maintenance, your roof’s shingles may come loose over time. Fortunately, our residential roof repair providers can reattach and seal your shingles. There will be less chance of the shingles coming loose again, and you’ll enjoy a roof that looks as good as new!

Missing Shingle Replacement

When strong winds blow through your area, shingles may be blown away. If that happens, just give us a call! Paul Bange Roofing can replace the missing shingles and restore your roof.

Roof Repair Services in South Florida 2

Shrinkage Repair

Your roof is more than just a collection of shingles. Underneath the surface, there’s a membrane that can shrink over time. When shrinkage occurs, the roof may pull away from the flashing and cause leaks. If you suspect this has happened to your roof, our skilled roofers will inspect the structure for any shrinkage. Should we find issues, we can take measures to correct the problem right then and there.

Corrective Roofing Maintenance

Fixing damaged roofs is our specialty, but we also offer roof maintenance services. These services help avoid problems before they become a big headache. Preventative maintenance is the best way to keep costs down while keeping your roof in good condition. We begin with a thorough roof analysis and then suggest the most efficient ways to extend your roof’s lifespan. Your trust is our top priority, and we’ll never recommend services that aren’t necessary.

Roof Rejuvenation

Is your roof looking worse for the wear? Our roof rejuvenation services will refresh your roof and add years to its life. Services like demolding, demossing, crack repair, and re-coating will help reduce ongoing roof expenses and restore your roof’s integrity.

Roof rejuvenation is more than just enhancing its curb appeal. Maintaining a roof supports insulation efficiency. Proper insulation helps ensure better temperature control during those Florida summer days. By taking this step, you can save a significant amount on your utility bills. The Florida heat rarely lets up, but proper roof maintenance means your air conditioner won’t have to work as hard.

A Residential House with Pool Highlighting Roofing Maintenance in Fort Lauderdale, FL

Roof Rejuvenation

Our roof rejuvenation services will refresh your roof and help ensure additional years on its life. Services like demolding, demossing, crack repair, and re-coating will help reduce ongoing roof expenses as well as restore your roof’s integrity. Maintaining a roof will help with insulation efficiency, making sure that temperatures stay more moderate. By taking this step in roof maintenance, you can actually save a significant amount of money on your utility bills since your home will be more properly insulated. You’ll find that you won’t have to turn on the heating or air conditioning as much once you have your roof rejuvenated by Paul Bange Roofing.

Repair Services for Metal Roofs

The team at Paul Bange Roofing specializes in all types of residential and commercial roof repairs, especially those involving metal roofs. Beyond repairs and maintenance, we can also help you install your first metal roof. Thanks to our experts, you can afford a quality metal roof with a transferable lifetime warranty. Most roofing companies add huge markups that put a metal roof out of reach. But with us, you’ve found a roof contractor that puts you first. Our goal is to provide beautiful and affordable roofing services to South Florida residents. Here’s why you should consider a metal roof:

Energy Efficiency

Although metal roofing isn’t commonly seen in neighborhoods yet, you can benefit from having metal roofing installed on your home or business. For one, metal roofing tends to be more energy efficient than other materials. These roofs pay for themselves over years of reduced utility bills!

Environmental Friendliness

Sustainability is another reason more homeowners are choosing metal roofing. This material is completely recyclable. You’ll enjoy the beauty of traditional roofing products while preserving our natural resources. Other metal roofing benefits include:

  • Zero maintenance. No more dangerous, time-consuming upkeep!
  • Fewer roof leaks.
  • A long lifespan. Most homeowners never need to purchase another roof.
  • A transferrable, 20-year lifetime warranty.
  • Added value to your home or business.

Consult With Our Roof Leak Repair Experts

Whether you’re in the market for a new roof or simply need some affordable roof repairs, trust Paul Bange Roofing. Our team has decades of experience in the industry, and we’re proud to bring South Florida residents the world-class customer service they deserve. Get in touch with us to request a consultation.


Request a Free Roofing Consultation

Call Us
Broward: 954-981-7663
Dade: 305-981-7663

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Visit Us
7000 SW 21st Place
Davie, FL 33317

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