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Upgrade Your Property With SPF Roofing Solutions

Shingles aren’t the only roofing material! Today, a wide variety of materials are available to suit both residential and commercial needs. Paul Bange Roofing is proud to offer installation services for some of the most popular materials on the market, as well as emerging products. SPF roofing systems are one of these innovative materials. If you’re tired of frequent repairs and want something more cost-effective, consider these roofing solutions. Learn more about SPF roofing installation and how it can make a difference for your home or business.

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What Are SPF Roofing Systems?

SPF roofing systems don’t have anything to do with sunscreen! In this case, SPF stands for spray polyurethane foam. This material can be sprayed onto an existing roof. The foam then expands and dries into a solid layer across the roof. SPF is known for flexibility and durability, making it ideal for a range of climates and weather conditions.

Explore the SPF Roofing Benefits

We recommend SPF roofing solutions for a variety of reasons. Simply let us know your roofing needs, and we’ll let you know if this type of roofing makes sense for you. Here are just a few of the reasons we suggest SPF:

Superior Insulation

One of the standout features of SPF roofing is its superior insulation properties. The foam material creates a high R-value barrier that helps maintain consistent indoor temperatures, reducing the need for excessive heating or cooling. This translates to significant energy savings. Because SPR roof insulation is so significant, we often recommend this material for commercial properties with substantial energy costs.

Longevity and Durability

When it comes to durability, SPF roofing is hard to beat. The foam forms a solid, seamless layer that can withstand harsh weather conditions, including heavy rain, hail, and high winds. Further, the foam’s ability to expand and contract with the building makes it less susceptible to cracking and other damage. With proper maintenance, they can last 30 years or more! The seamless nature of SPF roofing also means fewer opportunities for leaks and water damage. This reduces the need for frequent repairs, saving you time and money in the long run.

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For those prioritizing sustainability, spray polyurethane foam roofing is an excellent choice. The application process generates minimal waste, and the foam material itself is often made with environmentally friendly components. SPF roofing can often be applied over an existing roof, reducing the need for a complete tear-off and the associated waste. Additionally, the energy-saving properties of SPF roofing contribute to a reduced carbon footprint.  Altogether, these factors make it a more sustainable option compared to traditional roofing methods.

Are SPF Roofing Solutions Right for You?

When you talk to Paul Bange Roofing about re-roofing, we’ll evaluate your needs and recommend the best type of roofing for your property. Here’s how we determine whether energy-efficient SPF roofing is right for you:

  • Assessing Your Needs—We’ll consider factors like the South Florida weather and the condition of your existing roof when making recommendations for roofing materials. Our team will also explain the long-term benefits of SPF roofing and how this material can meet your needs over the next several decades.
  • Building Your Budget—We take your budget into account when making recommendations for SPF roof repairs and installations. The cost of installing an SPF roofing system can vary depending on several factors, including the size of your roof and the complexity of the installation. However, many property owners find that the long-term benefits and cost savings outweigh the initial investment.

Maintenance Is Key for SPF Roofing

Don’t forget about SPF roof maintenance! The team at Paul Bange Roofing is here to help you keep your roof in excellent condition as long as possible. Here’s how to ensure you get the most out of your investment:

Regular Inspections

Regular inspections go a long way to ensuring the durability and longevity of your SPF roofing system. We recommend roof inspections once or twice a year to check for wear and tear, water damage, and potential leaks. In the meantime, keep an eye on areas prone to pooling water or debris. These things can pose especially high risks to roofing materials.


A clean roof surface is vital for the performance of SPF roofing. Frequent cleaning helps prevent the buildup of dirt, algae, or organic materials that could interfere with the foam’s protective layer. A soft bristle brush or low-pressure washer can effectively remove surface debris without damaging the foam.

Prompt Repairs

Should any damage occur, be sure to address the problem right away.  Minor issues, such as cracks or punctures, are easily repaired with additional foam. Always talk to our professional SPR roofing contractors about repairs, and don’t attempt this potentially dangerous task yourself!

Learn More About Our Roofing Services

Are you interested to learn more about SPF roofing systems? Our team is happy to consult with you! At Paul Bange Roofing, we can take care of all your roofing needs from start to finish. Get in touch with us today to discuss re-roofing, repairs, maintenance, and more.

Request a Free Roofing Consultation

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Broward: 954-981-7663
Dade: 305-981-7663

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7000 SW 21st Place
Davie, FL 33317

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