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Trusted Roofing Services for More Than 30 Years

Paul Bange Roofing started helping home and business owners with all their roofing service needs over 30 years ago. Our dedication to the craft is seen with each job we complete for our neighbors and fellow businesses. They trust us to help protect those in their care because they know we have the knowledge and experience. We also have purchased all our own tools and equipment to reduce downtime on the site. Being able to complete your project quicker means you get to spend less money when hiring our fully capable staff. They also know they can count on us to perform any repair, maintenance service, or replacement necessary to keep a roof over their head. Give us a call today to begin your roofing services with a free consultation and professional inspection.

A Condo Complex Highlighting Roof Replacement Service in South Florida

Roofing Services Available

Thanks to our experience with roof services in Fort Lauderdale, FL, we have seen it all when it comes to repairs, maintenance, and replacements. You can count on us to deliver an estimate for your job quickly after we perform our inspection. Although we offer professional roof inspections any time of the year, we highly suggest reaching out to our team before the start of hurricane season to ensure everything is secure before the harsh winds and heavy rains come through our portion of Florida. Below are some of the other roofing services we provide:

Paul Bange Roofing Guarantees You’ll Love Our Work

We take pride in the work we do for our Fort Lauderdale, FL neighbors, and fellow business owners. A solid relationship built with the customer is our end goal. To help build the bridge, we provide our customers with a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee and a lifetime guarantee on all newly constructed roofing systems. No matter the size or style, our professionally-trained staff has you, your home, and your office covered with stellar roofing services.

Request Your Estimate Today